
Python, Python, Python! In the spirit of "import antigravity"

Geany 1.25 is out! Overview plugin is now included in Geany-Plugins!

There was an announcement in the Geany-Users email list that Overview plugin is now officially included in the Geany-Plugins!

Overview plugin is a plugin that provides sublime text minimap like feature for Geany. I had built it from source before and tested as in this post. Back then, it was a little buggy on Windows

Geany-Plugins can be downloaded from here. The overview plugin requires Geany 1.25, so update your Geany before you install Geany-plugins.

In my test, the issue with the preference dialog on Windows seems fixed. 


以前「Sublime TextのミニマップみたいなGeanyプラグインOverviewをウィンドウズでビルドしてみた。」で紹介したOverviewプラグインがGeany1.25に合わせて正式にリリースされました。ダイアログの問題も解決済みのようですし、いい感じです。

