
Python, Python, Python! In the spirit of "import antigravity"


How to record the panda3d app screen as avi file using ffmpeg

# It's better to use instead of this code. see belowHere is an example script I wrote today. To run this on your PC, at least the model in the script needs to be replaced with your egg file. Panda3d has a nice facility to save…

Making 3D model from 2D side view image with Smoothie-3D

Smoothie-3D: squirrel modeling - YouTubeI made a 3d fish model for my current project. As you can see in the above Youtube demo video, they made making 3d model really easy. It would have been quite a lot of work if I did this in blender f…

Using buffer protocol to dynamically texture with 2D numpy array in Panda3d

I followed this official blog post "Buffer protocol support" and came up with a short example of simple video player in panda3d using numpy 2d array as texture. The trick was to use setRamImage on Texture object. To do that, we have to set…


Panda3d用のモデル製作にはMayaが一番相性がいいらしいが月額123ドル?。フリーのBlenderでは以前はChickenというかなり完成度の高いエクスポーターがあったが古くなり使われてなく、現在はYABEEというプラグインが使われている。 Blenderのバージョンとの相…